The Department of Zoology is registered with Committee for the Purpose of Control and supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) New Delhi (registration no. 1066/GO/Re/S/07/CPSEA) and has its own Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC).
The institutional animal ethics committee (IAEC) is functional according to guidelines laid down by CPCSEA and the institute policies.
Animal house facility is well developed and maintained infrastructure with controlled environmental conditions for housing and management of experimental animals.
The available animals are being cared for by well qualified and experienced staff.
All animals are procured from Govt. approved suppliers according to prescribed guidelines of CPCSEA.
The adult healthy male Swiss albino mice (6-8 weeks old) are procured from Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hissar.
The experiments are conducted under the supervision of IAEC of the College. The animals are housed in polypropylene cages and maintained on balanced mice feed and tap water ad libitum.
They are acclimatized to laboratory conditions before use. Occasionally tetracycline water is provided as a precaution against infection. The temperature of the room is maintained between 22-27ºC.
The institutional animal ethics committee (IAEC) is functional according to guidelines laid down by CPCSEA and the institute policies.
Animal house facility is well developed and maintained infrastructure with controlled environmental conditions for housing and management of experimental animals.
The available animals are being cared for by well qualified and experienced staff.
All animals are procured from Govt. approved suppliers according to prescribed guidelines of CPCSEA.
The adult healthy male Swiss albino mice (6-8 weeks old) are procured from Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hissar.
The experiments are conducted under the supervision of IAEC of the College. The animals are housed in polypropylene cages and maintained on balanced mice feed and tap water ad libitum.
They are acclimatized to laboratory conditions before use. Occasionally tetracycline water is provided as a precaution against infection. The temperature of the room is maintained between 22-27ºC.